Race Schedule

Find details for upcoming races at the St. Louis Soap Box Derby.

Jun 8, 2025
St. Louis, MO
Local Race
Inspection Day
June 8th 9:30 – 12:30
Shaw Elementary School 5329 Columbia St. Louis, MO 63139

Cars are inspected and weighed-in with their racer.
Racers complete registration and get their racer tee shirts.
Cars are secured in school overnight.

Families should bring two saw-horses and a power drill if they are able.

Race Day

June 9th 7am – 6pm
Racers should arrive at Shaw Elementary School at 7am.
Racers walk the track with Race Officials at 7:30am

Race begins between 9am and 10am

Families should bring a tent, and chairs if they are able to wait between races.